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Home > Services > Respirator Fit Testing




PCBUs must eliminate risks so far as reasonably practicable, and where this is not possible must minimise them.  Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is a type of PPE that protects workers from airborne substances hazardous to health - dust, fumes, mist, vapour or gases.


Ensure your staff are equipped with a correct fitting respirator.  


As per Australian/New Zealand Standard 1715:2009 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment it is a requirement for anyone wearing a tight fitting respirator to undergo an annual fit test for each type of respirator they wear.  


ASM NZ Ltd provide respirator fit testing using a Portacount Pro machine to accurately fit all types of respirators.  We can provide fit testing for 3M, Sundstrom & Shigematsu respirators as well as many others on request. 


We can provide 3M Masks and filters at competitive rates.

Fittings can be booked at one of our three branches or alternatively we can come to you.  


Contact us to book a test or to discuss further.


91 Annan Street
Invercargill 9810
New Zealand

+64 3 928 5371

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